My newest project: An SLA Printer (WIP)

I’ve been building a stereolithography (SLA) printer recently. This is a different 3D printing technology that is capable of much finer details than typical FDM printers, but is a lot more finickey and not as commercialized. All of the commercially available SLA printers are in the $3k-ish price range. There aren’t any existing RepRap-type models that you can download the parts and print yourself, nor are there any Printrbot-type sub-$1k entry level models but apparently SeemeCNC has a BYOProjector kit for $400. There are a couple on the horizon (such as Peachy Printer) that are promising but as of this writing still vaporware. So… if I want one, I have to build it myself, with parts I found in my basement.

I have no idea what I'm doing

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Looking forward to the National Maker Faire; or, Have 3D Printer, Will Travel

The National Maker Faire is coming up and I am super excited to be involved. This will be the first Maker Faire that I have been to that isn’t qualified with a “Mini.”

I’ve made some special preparations for this event, knowing as I do that I won’t have access to a car, nor would there be any parking on site anyhow. So, both myself and my printer need to make it to UDC by Metro.

At previous faires, I’ve always needed a monitor to plug into my Octopi to actually run the printer. Previously, I’ve lugged around a spare 17″ monitor that we had at home, but that’s heavy and large. I would also grab the wireless keyboard and mouse we use for our gaming rig, leaving that device without input methods for the duration, plus for the few days after each faire before I actually unpack things. The printer itself has been lovingly hand-carried to events, getting a whole seat in the car to itself, while all its accessories traveled in an undignified heap in canvas grocery bags.

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