NoVa Mini Maker Faire was a success!

My table at the faire!

I had a great time at the NoVa Mini Maker Faire! If you were there, I hope you had a great time as well. Once again I managed to not take a single picture, so I will try to gather up photos from others who did and post them here. Thanks to some friends, pictures have arrived!

Here are some links for people to follow up on if they saw things at my booth that interested them:

Comet 67P from the Rosetta Mission

A lot of people were very curious about the large “blob” or “rock” that I had on the table. It was great to see people’s eyes light up as the association between the blob and the Rosetta mission clicked in their heads. Also, I’m surprised and happy to see how many people were familiar with the mission.

You can find models of the comet and the Philae lander here:
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