Using 3D Printed models in pen-and-paper RPGs or Tabletop Wargames

A 3D printer can be an absolutely fantastic tool for people who do a lot of traditional gaming. By traditional games, I mean pen-and-paper Role Playing Games (RPG) like Dungeons & Dragons, or wargames like Warhammer 40k. While the quality of a 3D printed mini using a cheap fused filament printer like mine doesn’t come anywhere near the quality of a sculpted and injected molded model, there is still a lot you can do.

For the most part, our PC minis are normal, traditionally manufactured minis. We print set dressing, special items, or monsters; things that either can’t be had exactly the way we want them from existing stores, or things that are simple enough that we can model and print them ourselves. The first example is set dressing and terrain.

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